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 Online Productions

These productions have been presented since the pandemic began.  If you are interested in participating in a future production, reach out to us at

Shakespeare Sonnets

Directed by Laine Gillespie

Actors; Jim Hughes, Sheila Kaplow, Katie Kitchel, Kay Morton, Betsy Durkee, Mike Backman, Steve Cornish, Kate Magill, Danielle Cohen, Pat Languille, Juliana Czum, Terry Samwick, John Morton, Anthony Helm, George Spencer, Mark Rosalbo, Bill Chappelle, Marilyn Mason, Laine Gillespie


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The Decameron

Directed by Samantha Davidson Green

Actors: Faith Catlin, Kim Meredith, Beata Randall, Juliana Czum, Betsy Durkee, Laine Gillespie, Steve Campbell, Emily Kuvin, Perry Allison



Spoon River Anthology


Directed by Faith Catlin

Actors-  Emily Kuvin, Julianna Czum, Katie Kitchel, Kim Meredith, Stephen Campbell, Terry Samwick,  Betsy Durkee, Perry Allison

The Parish Players

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